
Revision as of 04:19, 2 September 2020 by Flynnd (talk | contribs)

Welcome to Sats — we develop and launch CubeSats! This page is an index of satellites managed wiki pages!

Check out the Satellites wiki page!

We are currently working on:

Sequoia, a 3U software defined imaging satellite that will demonstrate image classification with uploadable machine learning models

The principal work of Stanford Satellite Team has been the development of various Optical Communications technologies. In addition, members have worked in faculty labs to build:

  • SNAPS, the Stanford NAno Picture Satellite, a 1/4U imaging cubesat
  • QB50 Discovery, Stanford's submission to an international 50-member cubesat constellation
  • Morgana, a CubeSat designed to study high energy particles in the upper atmosphere. (Cancelled)