Flying Phoque 6

Revision as of 04:40, 6 June 2024 by Lskaling (talk | contribs)
PCB Layout
External interfaces


The software repo is here. The board is programmed using Platform IO in VS code.


Setup instructions assume board is just being used for data logging (TODO: add instructions to use as flight computer)

  1. Ensure the board is not contacting any metal surfaces
  2. Check that the internal power header pins aren't connected (see photo)
  3. Insert SD card into Teensy
  4. Connect the Teensy to a computer via USB
  5. Upload firmware using Platform IO
  6. Data should be logging, and serial data being sent to the computer. Open the Serial monitor to check that everything is working.
  7. Unplug the teensy from the computer. Verify the SD card has data written to it by plugging it into a computer and opening the file.
  8. Put the SD card back into the Teensy (it's okay to leave the program, a new program file is created every time it is turned on)
  9. Insert the internal power header jumper cap to have the Teensy powered by the battery
  10. Screw a connector into the power in port
  11. Verify polarity! Red on top, GND on bottom
  12. (Optionally) add any arming circuitry to the power port connector, such as a magswitch or toggle switch
  13. Plug the battery in and turn on. Unplug immediately if the light does not turn on and buzzer doesn't beep
  14. Teensy should be in fully operational data logging state. It will have slow chirps indicating that it's logging data, and a green flashing LED. Fast beeps and a red LED indicate an error. If that happens, unplug, remove the internal power header jumper cap, and plug in with USB to view serial data.

Pre-Flight Checklist

Packing list:

  • Board
  • JST Connector
  • Batteries
  • Battery charger
  • Arming switch
  • Jumper Caps
  • Micro USB cable + adapters for computer
  • MicroSD card
  • MicroSD card adapter for computer
  • Electrical tape
  • Multimeter
  • Avionics mount for board


  • Battery fully charged (around 8.4v)
  • SD card has sufficient capacity (Data logs generate about 10 megabytes per hour)
  • SD installed into the slot and retained with tape
  • Internal power jumper installed (top right)
  • Board powered on, displays green LED and correct chips, and then powered off again


  1. Arm the switch
  2. Correct beeping pattern (slow chirps spaced a few seconds apart, with a green LED)