Hello! Welcome to the 2020 Avionics on boarding page for SSI. If you are confused (as most Frosh are) then please contact Tim Vrakas, Lucy Brown, Akasha Hayden, Hagop Chinchinian, or Ian Chang on Slack. No experience at all is required to join. We welcome and want to share our knowledge of and love for EE with everyone!
Getting Started
Please fill out the following to participate in Avionics Onboarding 2020:
- Google Form [1] to express interest and indicate preference for electronics (must login with Stanford email)
- when2meet form [2] to indicate availability for avionics workshops and events
Please also join the slack channel #av-onboarding-2020. In order to go through onboarding you must be an official member of SSI and either pay dues or have them waived. See the How to Join SSI wiki page for more information on how to join slack and pay/waive dues. [3] Our first meeting will be September 21st.
Lab 64
We work very closely with Lab 64 [4]. Steve Clark, the lab 64 manager, is an important and vital part of our on boarding process this year. Steve, as one of the important pillars of the Stanford EE community, runs many events through lab 64. You can join the mailing list to hear about them here[5].
We are creating kits to send to people. These kits will contain parts and instructions to create some really cool projects and give you some awesome EE knowledge and experience. These kits include a mini weather station, [kit idea], and [kit idea]. If you are interested in getting a kit, please fill out the first form in the welcome [6].
In order to help you work on your kits as well as teach you skills that will be necessary for your future work in SSI, we'll be holding multiple workshops to teach you important EE skills and practices. These workshops will be run by experienced SSI members and also by Steve Clark, the lab 64 lab manager, whose vast EE knowledge is an important part of our Avionics workshop program this year and in the future. The workshop schedule is available here [add link to schedule] and if you miss a workshop they will all be recorded and available here [add link to recordings].
SSI has an awesome EE/Avionics community, and joining SSI's Avionics on boarding is a great way to meet fellow students and older mentors who all love electrical engineering. In addition, because of our collaboration with the lab 64 manager Steve Clark, who is often referred to as the central hub around which the EE community at Stanford revolves, you will get to know the larger EE community at Stanford outside of SSI.
Please feel free to join at any time. It's never too late.
Week 1: Introduction to SSI and Avionics. [September 21]
Week 2: Kit Projects Introduction. [Add Meeting times/links here]
Week 3: Setting up base kit MicroController. [Add Meeting times/links here]
Weeks 4-5: Setting up peripherals. [Add Meeting times/links here]
Week 6-7: Finishing the kits. [Add Meeting times/links here]
Week 8-10: Getting started with Altium. [Add Meeting times/links here]