🛰️ Welcome to Sats 🛰️
Hey! Welcome to the Stanford Satellite Team! Whether you're an incoming frosh, alumni, PhD, or even not a part of the Stanford community, we're glad you're here. Our current mission Project Sequoia is a 3U (about the size of a long shoe box) fully in-house imaging satellite that will demonstrate CubeSats as a user-defined service with changeable machine learning models.
Stanford Affiliated ☀️
If you're a Stanford student, professor, or affiliate we'd love for you to join the SSI Sats community! Once you've joined our slack messaging hub, join the satellites channel and don't be shy.
Outside Stanford ❄️
If you're not affiliated with Stanford but are interested in the team and our project, please email the team leads Flynn Dreilinger and Grant Regen (flynnd@stanford.edu, gregen@standford.edu).
Sub-Teams and Schedules
- Structures — Learn to create the structure of our satellite via aluminum laser-cutting, 3D printing, and computer-aided design (CAD)
- Fall Meeting Schedule: Thursday 8PM PT
- Software — Learn to program our onboard flight computer and science computer, write machine learning models, and design a full software architecture.
- Fall Meeting Schedule: Thursday 6:30PM PT
- Avionics/Electrical Engineering — Learn electrical engineering in space, make your own camera, radio, solar panels, and design your own custom circuit boards (we'll even teach you how to make rave lighting for your room).
- Fall Meeting Schedule: Thursday 6PM PT
- Guidance, Navigation, and Control — Learn how to guide our satellite where practical physics and coding meet, control pointing of the system by interacting with the Earth's magnetic field, and unspin the satellite after a rocket shoots it out.
- Fall Meeting Schedule: Wednesday 6PM PT
- Systems/Policy — Talk with top space representatives in both government and industry, attend local satellite and space conferences, and learn how to launch a satellite safely and legally 😉. Also, check out SSI Policy Team on the slack.
- Fall Meeting Schedule: Tuesday 6PM PT
Sub-Team | Time (PT) |
General Meeting | Sunday 10AM |
Systems | Tuesday 6PM |
GNC | Wednesday 6PM |
Avionics | Thursday 6PM |
Software | Thursday 6:30PM |
Software | Thursday 8PM |
Sequoia 2019-Present 🌲
What we are working on right now: https://github.com/stanford-ssi/Sequoia
What we've worked on in the past: POINTR, SNAPS
Past Projects
We are currently working on:
Sequoia, a 3U software defined imaging satellite that will demonstrate image classification with uploadable machine learning models
The principal work of Stanford Satellite Team has been the development of various Optical Communications technologies. In addition, members have worked in faculty labs to build:
- SNAPS, the Stanford NAno Picture Satellite, a 1/4U imaging cubesat
- QB50 Discovery, Stanford's submission to an international 50-member cubesat constellation
- Morgana, a CubeSat designed to study high energy particles in the upper atmosphere. (Cancelled)
Pages in category "Satellites"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.