In case you would like to fully understand all factors governing a RSO's decision-making prcoess, here is a [ RSO Operations Manual].
They are responsible for pre-flight inspection and approval of hobby rocket vehicles within a specified motor impulse range. They give the final word on whether your rocket will launch.
=== Launch Control Officer (LCO) ===
The LCO is responsible for control of the range and the actual launching of the rocket vehicles themselves.
== What You Need To Bring ==
== What You Need To Bring ==
People Fuel - water food money etc
=== People Fuel ===
*Cases of water
*Cooler for drinks
*Snacks (bring your own food)
*Cash for launch fees and purchasing miscellaneous parts
*Nice cameras
*Inverters and power strips for power from car
*Sharpies and pens
*Pre-filled out documentation
*First aid kits
*Folding tables
=== Appropriate Clothing ===
These requirements obviously change per season, but the running theme is that you will be exposed to the elements all day.