
added info here
NASA's online [ Beginner's Guide To Rockets] will get you started on many of the basic principles governing rocketry. If you manage to make your way through all of these, you will understand the vernacular often used in rocketry.

== Jargon ==

=== Impulse and its Specificity ===

Impulse (or total impulse) is defined as equal to force multiplied by time - it is a measure of how powerful motors are, and can easily give you your change in velocity, Impulse / Mass, assuming no drag or gravity losses. (There will always be drag and gravity losses.) Total impulse can be thought of as the area under the thrust curve.

[[File:L1_Guide_Thrust_Curve.png|400px|thumb|frame|center|Thrust curves of motors with the same total impulse]]

In the above graph, each of those three motors have the same total impulse (area under the curve), but with very different thrust profiles. The letter designation for each motor (e.g. in E15, H125, or M1250) are a measure of total impulse and each successive letter represents double the total impulse.

It turns out that impulse alone is not a gooad measure for rocket fuel performance; it is technically possible to use wood and air as rocket fuels, and to get an insanely large impulse by making the engine really big. That will never get you to space. Instead, rockets really care about a number called the specific impulse, defined as impulse divided by the mass of the propellant and the gravitational constant. This gives a far better picture of what constitutes a good rocket fuel, although there are definitely other considerations.

=== Motor Systems (DMS and RMS) ===
[[File:DMSMotor.jpg|thumb|200px|right|A DMS with its packaging]]

DMS stands for Disposable Motor System. These motors are one time use only, and are very easy to work with.

RMS stands for Reloadable Motor System. These types of motors are harder to work with, since they require the maintenance of a motor casing and proficiency in loading, cleaning, and reloading the casing. After purchasing the relatively expensive casing, one must learn how to assemble it with motor reloads. If not assembled properly, your rocket will most likely not make it through the flight. However, once you become good at assembling and using RMS, it is cheaper to merely have to purchase propellant each time you launch instead of an entirely new DMS motor.

=== Motor Retention (Positive or Otherwise) and Adaptors ===

There is one direction we care about when discussing motor retention, the y direction (axially). Simply put, the job of a motor retainer is to keep your motor from falling out of your rocket or allowing it to shoot through the nosecone upon ignition, resulting in a cato. Depending on the company, motor retainers have a couple different ways they work. For the slimline retainers used in the SSI Firestorm kit, the motor retainers use retaining rings. These rings are removable and are located on the lip of the the retainer. The purpose of the rings are to keep the motor from sliding out of the bottom while a lip on the body of the retainer prevents the motor from launching through the rocket's nosecone. For any 38mm motor being used in the 58mm Firestorm airframe, a motor adaptor is going to be used which has identical retaining rings, except smaller in diameter, to the motor retainer.

You can purchase/make motor adaptors which allow you to have a motor of a diameter that is smaller than the diameter of your rocket. For example: If one wanted to launch an L1 with a 54mm H motor but his or her rocket had an ID of 98mm, that person would purchase/make a motor adapter to keep the motor stable and restrained. Motor adapters consist of a tube that has the same ID as the motor's OD and uses centering rings to keep the motor centered between the airframe walls. If you are planning on using various diameter motors for the same airframe it might be a wise choice to invest in a motor retention system that allows the user to buy various components designed to work with different sized motors.

'''Some Quick Terminology'''
Positive = not falling out the bottom.

== Stability ==

[[File:L1_Guide_Stability.png|thumb|200px|right|CG and CP for stable flight]]

=== Center of Gravity ===

An objects center of gravity is its (rigorously and mathematically defined) middle point. The force of gravity can be simulated to act here, and the object will tend to rotate about this point, making it crucial to finding rocket stability.

The relation of CG to your L1 rocket is its relation to the center of pressure (CP). For stable flight your CG needs to be towards the nosecone of your CP. If you determine that your CG is too close to your CP and need to move it forward because you can't change the position of your CP, a common method is to add some mass weight to your nosecone.

=== Center of Pressure ===
The center of pressure is the location at which we can model the aerodynamic effects as acting. In other words, the drag on the rocket acts at this point. If the center of pressure is below the center of gravity, then the downwards force of drag will keep the rocket upright, while a center of pressure above the center of gravity will flip the rocket. A CP and CG at the same point will create a neutrally stable rocket, meaning that any incidental forces could theoretically spin it. This makes the distance between the CP and CG critically important for determining whether flight will be safe and successful.

The main tool we have to change the center of pressure is the size of the rocket's fins - larger fins will bring the center of pressure lower down on the rocket, increasing its stability.

To calculate center of pressure, you can use the Barrowman equations ([ link to a slighty confusing example]) or the [ cardboard cutout method].

Another way to determine the CP of your rocket is to use a program like OpenRocket or RockSim. Both of these programs take all the information you input about your rocket and input into the Barrowman equations for you.

=== Calibers ===

A caliber is a unit of measurement defined as the diameter of the airframe. Calibers are used to measure the distance between the CP and CG - it doesn't make sense to solely measure based on distance, as a 3" difference on a 2" OD, 24" long rocket is very different from a 2" difference on a 10' long, 6" OD one.

Calibers measure the length between CP and CG allowing for a much more fair comparison between different rocket sizes. It would be correct to say, the CG is 2 calibers away from the CP.

As a rule of thumb, having your CP 1.5-2 calibers in front of your CG is considered good, while numbers outside of that range tend to be either under-or-over-stable.

== Motor Specs ==

Solid rocket motors have a fairly standardized labeling system. On the casing (or reload) itself there is a three-part code which denotes what the total impulse range is, the average thrust, and the delay grain length. All these numbers are in standard metric units.

The letter designation represents the total impulse. Each letter category represents double the total impulse of the previous letter category.

[[File:L1_Guide_Motor_Classification.png|300px|thumb|frame|center|Letter designations increase total impulse exponentially]]

Motor classification table:

[[File:MotorClassification.png|300px|thumb|center|Motor Classification]]

===Motor Designation Breakdown===
To better understand how to read a motor label lets take an example:

'''Aerotech H550ST-14A'''

Here is the spec sheet for this motor[]. This is the motor that SSI uses for its L1 certification launches.

*'''H''': the letter designating the impulse range. For an H this is from 160 Ns - 320 Ns.
*'''550''': denotes that the motor's average thrust is 550 N.
*'''ST''': denotes what type of propellant is in the casing. In this case, ST stands for "Super Thunder". Aerotech has various names for their different types of propellants, however, often these names are only denoting the color of the flame rather than the chemical compounds that it is made of.
*'''14''': denotes that the motor will fire its ejection charge 14 s after burnout unless it is adjusted, as indicated by the A. Motor delay times can be adjusted with a motor delay tool (otherwise known as a proprietary screwdriver, here is a link to buy one[]).

== Recovery ==

[[File:L1_Guide_Delay_Charge.png|thumb|165px|right|Motor delay charge]]
Recovery is the second stage of a simple non-complex rocket, aka basic L1. Although it would seem like the largest percentage of failure would happen during ascent, 75% of failed rockets are a result of a faulty recovery system. Common points of failure for an L1 are: the parachute did not deploy out of the airframe, the parachute deployed too soon before or too far after apogee, line tangling, and too quick of a descent. All of these aspects are things that you should consider when compiling your recovery system.

For L1 all a rocketeer needs is single stage deployment. Simply put, only a main parachute is required to bring the rocket safely back to the ground. Because it is single stage, the parachute should be ejected as close to apogee as possible to prevent unnecessary damage to the rocket. Apogee is the highest point of a rocket trajectory, where the vertical velocity is momentarily zero and the rocket transitions from ascent to descent. This is the point at which the rocket is moving slowest and thus is the most ideal for deployment of a parachute.

For typical L1 rockets, after the motor burns through its main propellant, it burns through a delay grain. This is a slow-burning section at the end of the motor which acts as a timer. Once it has burned through the delay grain, the flame front ignites an ejection charge loaded in the charge well at the front of the motor. This ejection charge, typically black powder, pressurizes the body tube of the rocket and forces the nose cone out, along with the parachute. To test whether your nose cone has the proper fit (tight enough to stay on during flight but loose enough to eject for recovery), hold the back end of your completed, and unloaded, rocket to your mouth and blow hard with a good seal. The nose cone and parachute should both pop out. If you are incapable of doing this, another test can be done by vigorously shaking the rocket by holding the nosecone. The nosecone should separate from the rocket by doing this.

== Simulations ==

[[File:exampleOpenRocket.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Example of the OpenRocket infterface]]

It is always important to know what your rocket will do (assuming that things go according to plan), and we use a program called OpenRocket to find the flight profile of our rockets. The program is free, and can be found here[]

OpenRocket is quite easy to learn, and is quite accurate for sub-Mach rockets (those that fly faster should use RasAero to model drag forces.) OpenRocket includes ascent, including a massive database of thrust curves, as well as a simulated descent using the parachutes included in the rocket. If used properly, it can output data from height of apogee to time of flight to drift distance, all of which are incredibly useful while designing your rocket. (Hint: the center of pressure calculation is extremely important.)

One other program of note is called FinSim, which can model possible vibrations within fins. If unchecked, these vibrations can grow and shear the fins off, likely dooming the rocket. The program is required for transonic and supersonic flights, and can be found here[]
