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== BUZZ ==
== BUZZ ==
BUZZ is the umbrella subteam for balloons radio projects. It operated as part of HABEES, and works to develop/try/test new radio technologies within balloons. ValBal also develops independent and system-specific radio systems. Some ideas for possible projects, as well as ongoing projects, are below:
* Improved ATV link quality
* Teensy-native SSTV Transmission & Reception
* APRS development
* Native GFSK/FSK/OOK transceivers & software
* WiFi downlink/uplink (2.4GHz / 5 GHz)
* Stanford Ground Station (high gain, directional)
* Portable Field Ground Station
* Balloons National Ground Station Networ
* WinLink Global Radio E-Mail
* Digital Video/Image encoding
= Rockets =
= Rockets =