− | After adding a sheet (whether new or reused), you will need to connect it into your design (see [[#Using Multiple Sheets| above]]). To pass wires (i.e. power, ground, and signals of interest) between your sheet and another, your new sheet will need to have ''ports''. Ports are placed using Place → Port. (shortcut {{altium-shortcut| p → r}}). A reused sheet will likely already have ports on it, but make sure they're the ports you want and change them as needed. | + | After adding a sheet (whether new or reused), you will need to connect it into your design (see [[#Using Multiple Sheets|Using Multiple Sheets]]). To pass wires (i.e. power, ground, and signals of interest) between your sheet and another, your new sheet will need to have ''ports''. Ports are placed using Place → Port. (shortcut {{altium-shortcut| p → r}}). Each port will need a unique name and a "direction" that specifies if the signal is generally entering (input) the sheet, leaving (output), or doing both (bidirectional). The direction is cosmetic (so don't stress over it too much) but helps make your sheet more readable. You can add and delete ports as needed throughout the design process. A reused sheet will likely already have ports on it, but make sure they're the ports you want and change them as needed. |
| + | When you're satisfied with the ports on a sheet and need to start connecting it to another, open the sheet you want it to appear under. There, go to Design &rarr Create Sheet Symbol from Sheet (shortcut {{altium-shortcut|d → y}}) and select the sheet you want to connect in the menu that pops up. You'll then get to place a ''sheet symbol'' - which will have ''sheet entries'' corresponding to the ports on the sheet - which you can start drawing connections to. |
| + | If you update the ports on a sheet, you can push the changes to your sheet symbols by going to Design → Synchronize Sheet Entries and Ports (shortcut {{altium-shortcut| d → p}}). In the dialog that comes up, hit "Delete Sheet Entries" and "Add Sheet Entries," as appropriate, to update your sheet symbols so that they have entries for all of the ports on their matching sheets. |