FLAMOS's avionics coupler was installed upside down causing the main chute to be deployed at apogee. The rocket successfully executed two events which would have qualified the user for Level 2 certification had he been able to recover the rocket after it drifted upwards of 1 mile from the launch site. Cameron did not have a pair of binoculars handy and took his eyes off the rocket approximately 100ft before touchdown to take a bite of his pizza and thus the rocket's landing location could only be approximated to within a quarter mile square area. After approximately 45 minutes of searching for the rocket, the search party decided to give up on the recovery. In the future, all level 2 attempts should be tracked by binoculars and the recovery team should be inside a vehicle ready to begin driving towards the rocket should it start to drift. All rockets should have an audible alarm installed that activated upon liftoff. | FLAMOS's avionics coupler was installed upside down causing the main chute to be deployed at apogee. The rocket successfully executed two events which would have qualified the user for Level 2 certification had he been able to recover the rocket after it drifted upwards of 1 mile from the launch site. Cameron did not have a pair of binoculars handy and took his eyes off the rocket approximately 100ft before touchdown to take a bite of his pizza and thus the rocket's landing location could only be approximated to within a quarter mile square area. After approximately 45 minutes of searching for the rocket, the search party decided to give up on the recovery. In the future, all level 2 attempts should be tracked by binoculars and the recovery team should be inside a vehicle ready to begin driving towards the rocket should it start to drift. All rockets should have an audible alarm installed that activated upon liftoff. |