| The data bus serves as a means by which to transfer specific reserved signals throughout the flight stack, access reserved Core Avionics UART lines, as well as Core Avionics SPI/I2C, as well as implement system flags, and some other utility features. While primary communication between boards happens via the CAN bus, certain pins on the data bus are required to be implemented by all boards in the flight stack, and other pins may yield utility, depending on the specific application of a board. All "RESERVED" pins currently serve no purpose, and may be reserved by your board for transitioning signals up and down the flight stack. A number of pins will, in the future, become tertiary power pins for advanced BMS applications. These will likely occupy the bottom of the data bus. Pins on the data bus are to be occupied on a top-down basis, filling from top-down and left-right, with the exception of RESERVED pins that are amidst dedicated pins, which are strictly reserved for possible future flight-critical services. | | The data bus serves as a means by which to transfer specific reserved signals throughout the flight stack, access reserved Core Avionics UART lines, as well as Core Avionics SPI/I2C, as well as implement system flags, and some other utility features. While primary communication between boards happens via the CAN bus, certain pins on the data bus are required to be implemented by all boards in the flight stack, and other pins may yield utility, depending on the specific application of a board. All "RESERVED" pins currently serve no purpose, and may be reserved by your board for transitioning signals up and down the flight stack. A number of pins will, in the future, become tertiary power pins for advanced BMS applications. These will likely occupy the bottom of the data bus. Pins on the data bus are to be occupied on a top-down basis, filling from top-down and left-right, with the exception of RESERVED pins that are amidst dedicated pins, which are strictly reserved for possible future flight-critical services. |