*Connector spots (J8-J15) are for the male header pins. Servos can connect to these. Each Servo gets a 3.3V supply, a capacitor to smooth the movement, and a PWM signal.
*Connector spots (J3 and J6) are for larger motors to connect to. These connectors allow each motor to get a power, direction signal, and PWM signal. These connectors also offer extra space for GND.
===Control System===
*HBridge Drivers (U4A and U4B) take directions via i2C from the teensy and drive two motors each
*Jumper pin holes (J4 and J7) allow the user to choose between a 5V and 12V supply for his/her motor. There are also corresponding capacitors to smooth out any power spikes.
*The teensy 3.2 (U1) takes in directions from the CAN transceiver and directs the PWM driver and motor drivers
*The PWM driver (U3) connects one channel to each motor and servo allowing for a unique pulse length for each output.