A large number of people were automatically given SVN credentials. If you did not, join {{slack-channel|altium}} and message {{slack-user|svn-admin}} requesting them.
A large number of people were automatically given SVN credentials. If you did not, join {{slack-channel|altium}} and message {{slack-user|svn-admin}} requesting them. You will need to enter your username and very long and complicated password the first time you try to download an SVN but it will then be saved on your computer. Thanks to HTTPS/SSL, your password is never transmitted or stored in plain form, including when its checked on the server.
You will need to enter your username very long and complicated password the first time you try to download an SVN but it will then be saved on your computer. Thanks to HTTPS/SSL, your password is never transmitted or stored in plain form, including when its checked on the server.