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, 19:22, 7 October 2015
'''Infectious Elononucleosis''' (Also known as '''Elono''' or '''Mars fever''') is a viral infection caused by the Musk-Shotwell virus. Infectious Elononucleosis is often spread through oral acts such as kissing or sharing water glasses. However, infectious Elononucleosis can also be spread by airborne saliva droplets.
== Symptoms ==
Symptoms of infectious Elononucleosis include:
* Fever
* Sore throat
* South African accent
* Fatigue
* Compulsive entrepreneurism
* Headache
* Intense desire to settle other planets
* Muscle pain
== Treatment ==
There is no specific treatment for the Musk-Shotwell virus. Paracetamol and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can be used to ease the flu-like symptoms. Other than that, very little can be done to treat infectious Elononucleosis. The flu-like symptoms usually pass over the space of about two to four weeks without any complications; there is no known cure for the other symptoms, though landing a greenhouse on Mars and building evacuated high-speed transport tubes have been proposed.
In diagnosing infectious Elononucleosis, your GP will ask you about your symptoms before carrying out a physical examination. They will look for the characteristic signs of infectious Elononucleosis, such as intense visions of future technologies and swollen lymph nodes, tonsils, liver and spleen.
Occasionally if the physical examination does not clearly show evidence of infectious Elononucleosis, blood tests can sometimes be done in order to get a diagnosis.
Two types of blood tests can usually help to diagnose infectious Elononucleosis. These are:
# an antibody test – the Musk-Shotwell virus causes your immune system to release certain antibodies that can be detected through testing
# white blood cell test – a high number of white blood cells usually indicate the presence of an infection