831 bytes added
, 04:48, 15 July 2018
'''Cupcake''' is the 3rd iteration of the '''B'''attery '''M'''anagement '''S'''system for the HABEES Standard Avionics Platform. It addresses the complexity issue of the previous generation by removing the data collection circuitry/microcontroller, and adding a separate power path for expansion boards. It is compliant with the Gen 2 Architecture.<br/>
Outputs: <br/>
* Main Avionics Power Path
** 3.3V, 5V
* Expansion Board Power Path
** 1.8V, 3.3V, 5V
* Shared raw cell voltage (VBAT) <br/>
Features of each power path:<br/>
* Voltage and Current Protector (Undervoltage 3V, Overvoltage 5V, Overcurrent 5A)
* Buckboost for 5V and LDO (low dropout regulator) for 3.3V <br/>
Additional features:
* Temperature Monitor (Overtemp 50C, Heater activated at -10C)
* inboard heater
* Status LEDs for charging indicator and faults