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, 00:17, 12 August 2019
| header = SSI-91
| img link =
| designations = '''CY-5'''
| launch date =August 5, 2019, 20:11 PDT
| launch site = Brigantino Park, Hollister, CA
| launch coordinates = 36.8491, -121.4338
| flight duration =2h:00m
| flight length = 94 km
| flight profile = Standard zero-pressure
| landing time=August 5, 2019, 22:11 PDT
| landing site= 5 km NW of Vernalis, San Joaquin County, CA
| landing coordinates = 37.6634, -121.3217
| last = 90
| next =
'''SSI-91''' (project designation '''CY-5''') was the fifth launch of [[Cycloon|Project Cycloon]] on August 5, 2019. It was the second launch of an in-house manufactured polyethylene envelope and the first SSI zero-pressure balloon to report telemetry throughout the flight. It was also a rare sunset launch and featured an even lighter payload than its predecessor, [[SSI-90]].
==Project context==
'''Balloon''': 0.3 mil polyethylene, paper bag topology, width 1.8 m, length 7 m, volume approximately 6 cubic meters. Total mass 0.26 kg with fill tube (PVC of length approximately 12 inches and diameter 1/2 inch).
'''Avionics''': TinyGPS, Teensy 3.2 transmitting at adjustable intervals over Rockblock. SPOT Trace.
'''Power''': 9 L91 lithium AA batteries. Resistive heater running on single L91 battery.
'''Payload''': Styrofoam enclosure. Mass 0.62 kg.
'''Mass budget''': 0.88 kg total.
==Flight synopsis==
[[File:ssi91traj.png|400px|thumb|Mission trajectory]]
[[File:ssi91launch.png|400px|thumb|left|Balloon ascending after release]]
'''August 5 20:11 PDT:'''
[[Category: High Altitude Balloons]][[Category: Balloon Launches]]