'''SSI-97''' (project designation '''CY-8''') was the seventh launch of [[Cycloon|Project Cycloon]] on November 17, 2019. Not a true launch, it was instead a series of ground tests of various properties of polyethylene tubing envelopes and the newly designed Cycloon vent mechanism. It was also the first return of Cycloon to Pigeon Point since the first launch.
==Project context==
==Project context==
'''Balloon''': 0.8 mil polyethylene tubing, various topologies, width 2.5 m, various lengths and volumes. PVC of length approximately 12 inches and diameter 1/2 inch, as usual.
'''Avionics''': Teensy 3.2 transmitting at adjustable intervals over Rockblock. Vent control.
'''Power''': 3 L91 lithium AA batteries.
'''Vent''': Cycloon zero-pressure
'''Payload''': Half valbal-style polycarbonate cylinder within styrofoam enclosure. Mass 1.25 kg including ballast.
'''Mass budget''': Various
==Flight synopsis==
==Flight synopsis==
Since this was a series of ground tests, no flight synopsis is available. Please see the test report in the Cycloon Google Drive.
[[Category: High Altitude Balloons]][[Category: Balloon Launches]]
[[Category: High Altitude Balloons]][[Category: Balloon Launches]]