This will open up a dialogue asking what to derive to where. We will be creating a new part and copying over the parameters; select the same options as below. After hitting okay, it will open an empty, untitled file. However, if hit 'modify' then 'change parameters', it will open a dialogue which shows imported global parameters.
This will open up a dialogue asking what to derive to where. We will be creating a new part and copying over the parameters; select the same options as below. After hitting okay, it will open an empty, untitled file. However, if hit 'modify' then 'change parameters', it will open a dialogue which shows the imported global parameters after expanding the menu.
Now, hack away and CAD up a new part! The global parameters can be used by simply typing in a dimension's name (with an appended _Ref) (with an equation if you like) (ex: 3 * rail_height_Ref). After that, save it in an appropriate subdirectory and it will automatically appear for everybody else.
Sometimes, you may wish to make a part which is derived from another. In this case, open the file which acts as a base, and open the derive menu again. This time, under the Deriving selection, choose 'one component as design', and click on the part. It will also create a new file, but this time with the base geometry in it. As the base file gets updated, the derived part will too.