'''TortoiseSat''' is an experimental algorithm published by a Stanford lab a few months ago. It allows us to control our satellite using only magnet-torquers (small controlled current loops that create torque by interacting with Earth's magnetic field). The difficulty with this is that with magnet-torquers you can only generate a torque in two directions and not all three, which is why we need the experimental optimization algorithm to do it. We hope to demonstrate this algorithm on orbit for the first time with our satellite. | '''TortoiseSat''' is an experimental algorithm published by a Stanford lab a few months ago. It allows us to control our satellite using only magnet-torquers (small controlled current loops that create torque by interacting with Earth's magnetic field). The difficulty with this is that with magnet-torquers you can only generate a torque in two directions and not all three, which is why we need the experimental optimization algorithm to do it. We hope to demonstrate this algorithm on orbit for the first time with our satellite. |