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B) If you are not comfortable fronting the money yourself, submit a request to the FOs to purchase it on the SSI credit card here:
B) If you are not comfortable fronting the money yourself, submit a request to the FOs to purchase it on the SSI credit card here:
= Step 2: Log it on the SSI Internal Site =
= Step 2: Request a reimbursement on GrantEd =
Visit, create a new request, and upload all required documentation. Please double check all fields before submitting!
It's at You can log on with your Stanford email. If there's an issue, go to #operations-website and complain. 
= Step 3: Complete the internal reimbursement tracking =
Visit the [ internal google form] and complete the fields. This will notify the team leads of the expense and allow us to track it internally. Team leads will approve it, then the FOs will process it through GrantEd. This process can take a few weeks.  
Once you're logged in, you should see "Purchasing" on the left sidebar. Choose "Credit Card Request" to request an item to be purchased directly by SSI. Choose "SSI Reimbursement Request" to request a reimbursement for things you have already purchased. 
Most fields here are self-explanatory. Some notes:
*If you used an SSI credit card (the form in part 1B), make sure to box that field.
*If this expense was already handled somehow (this happens rarely), hit that field.
*"Delivery Method" refers to if you want to pick the reimbursement up at Old Union or have it mailed to you. Generally pickup at Old Union is easier if you're on campus. While we've been virtual/off campus, you can go into Axess and set up direct deposit.
*If you're confused by a field or unsure what to put, please contact @Elijah Kim or @Laywood Fayne.
*For the receipt images remember to include these 2 things if this is a reimbursement/not on SSI’s credit card: 1) Proof of purchase. Not just a screenshot of how much the item costs, you need to prove it got charged to your credit card. 2) Itemized receipt. If you’ve bought more than 1 thing, the receipt needs to list all those things and their individual costs.
If this is your first time and you have not yet opted in for direct deposit, be sure to do so. Instructions on enabling direct deposit can be found here: [[Enabling Direct Deposit for Reimbursements|Enabling Direct Deposit]]
=Step 3: Fill Out an Expense Report=
Most teams require that you make a detailed listing of the expenses you dealt with. They'll have a budget document in the Google drive where you can list what money you spent. Contact your coleads and they'll send you the link.
=Potential Next Steps=
When you submit your reimbursement, slackbot will message you to let you know! After that, it's up to the financial officers to process it, and slackbot will update you as they do so. If there's something wrong with your reimbursement, they'll also let you know! If you get a message saying your reimbursement was rejected, don't despair. There are plenty of ways to fix it and resubmit it--check the message from either the FOs, team co-leads, or SSE (Stanford Student Enterprises, the people who make the final call on the validity of a reimbursement) and make the necessary changes. If you're unsure what the message means or want clarification, contact either @Elijah Kim or @Laywood Fayne. Within a few weeks, you should get an email from ASSU saying that a payment is available! When we are in-person, you can pick up your check from the ASSU office on the first floor of Old Union, behind the Axe and Palm (TAP).
= What You Can and Can't Buy=
= What You Can and Can't Buy=


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