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Initial Commit
[[File:Flying Phoque 6.png|thumb|PCB Layout]]
[[File:Flying Phoque 6 Labels.png|thumb|External interfaces]]

== Software ==
The software repo is here. The board is programmed using Platform IO in VS code.

== Setup ==
Setup instructions assume board is just being used for data logging (TODO: add instructions to use as flight computer)

# Ensure the board is not contact any metal surfaces
# Check that the internal power header pins aren't connected (see photo)
# Insert SD card into Teensy
# Connect the Teensy to a computer via USB
# Upload firmware using Platform IO
# Data should be logging, and serial data being sent to the computer. Open the Serial monitor to check that everything is working.
# Unplug the teensy from the computer. Verify the SD card has data written to it by plugging it into a computer and opening the file.
# Put the SD card back into the Teensy (it's okay to leave the program, a new program file is created every time it is turned on)
# Insert the internal power header jumper cap to have the Teensy powered by the battery
# Screw a connector into the power in port
# Verify polarity! Red on top, GND on bottom
# (Optionally) add any arming circuitry to the power port connector, such as a magswitch or toggle switch
# Plug the battery in and turn on. Unplug immediately if the light does not turn on and buzzer doesn't beep
# Teensy should be in fully operational data logging state. It will have slow chirps indicating that it's logging data, and a green flashing LED. Fast beeps and a red LED indicate an error. If that happens, unplug, remove the internal power header jumper cap, and plug in with USB to view serial data.

== Pre-Flight Checklist ==
Packing list:

* Board
* JST Connector
* Batteries
* Battery charger
* Arming switch
* Jumper Caps
* Micro USB cable + adapters for computer
* MicroSD card
* MicroSD card adapter for computer
* Electrical tape
* Multimeter
* Avionics mount for board


* Battery fully charged (around 8.4v)
* SD card has sufficient capacity (Data logs generate about 10 megabytes per hour)
* SD installed into the slot and retained with tape
* Internal power jumper installed (top right)
* Board powered on, displays green LED and correct chips, and then powered off again


# Arm the switch
# Correct beeping pattern (slow chirps spaced a few seconds apart)


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