The below are used for all HONEY Teensy 3.2 sockets -- this includes the socket itself, on the PCB side, and the male pins that are soldered to the teensy for mating with the socket. This is broken into four portions -- the internal 2x7 row of pins that are SMD on the bottom of the teensy (herein referred to as "internal row"), the two 14-pin side rows, the back 5-pin row, and the remaining 3 side pins (A10/A11/AREF). The below is broken into the socket connectors, and the male teensy-side connectors. | The below are used for all HONEY Teensy 3.2 sockets -- this includes the socket itself, on the PCB side, and the male pins that are soldered to the teensy for mating with the socket. This is broken into four portions -- the internal 2x7 row of pins that are SMD on the bottom of the teensy (herein referred to as "internal row"), the two 14-pin side rows, the back 5-pin row, and the remaining 3 side pins (A10/A11/AREF). The below is broken into the socket connectors, and the male teensy-side connectors. |