The below are used for all HONEY Teensy 3.6 sockets -- this includes the socket itself, on the PCB side, and the male pins that are soldered to the teensy for mating with the socket. This is broken into five portions -- three sets of internal rows, that are SMD on the bottom of the Teensy; the furthest back one is referred to as Internal Row 1, the middle one is Internal Row 2, and the furthest up is Internal Row 3. Additionally, there are the two side rows, and the remaining A10/A11/AREF row. The below is broken into the socket connectors, and the male teensy-side connectors. | The below are used for all HONEY Teensy 3.6 sockets -- this includes the socket itself, on the PCB side, and the male pins that are soldered to the teensy for mating with the socket. This is broken into five portions -- three sets of internal rows, that are SMD on the bottom of the Teensy; the furthest back one is referred to as Internal Row 1, the middle one is Internal Row 2, and the furthest up is Internal Row 3. Additionally, there are the two side rows, and the remaining A10/A11/AREF row. The below is broken into the socket connectors, and the male teensy-side connectors. |