Durand has a spin coater that SSI Biology has permission to use. SOP is coming soon!
Durand has a spin coater that SSI Biology has permission to use. SOP is coming soon!
Anyone who wants to use the spin coater has to contact Michael Arcidiacono ({{slack-user|mixarcid}}) or one of the bio team coleads first. The spin coater is a new addition to the SSI toolset, and no standardized access has been set up as of yet. It's ''essential'' to contact the appropriate personnel before using the spin coater: we want to keep our Durand access!
The spin coater is located in the Durand Building [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Durand+Building,+496+Lomita+Mall,+Stanford,+CA+94305/@37.4268696,-122.1754608,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x808fbb2aa1a2e6c7:0x150c778bd3b558cf!8m2!3d37.4268696!4d-122.1732721 (address)] in room 150. This is the lab directly to the right of the first floor entrance. The spin coater is a model PWM32-PS-CB15 Spinner System developed by Headway Research, Inc.
Make sure you're wearing safety glasses when using the spinner! Glasses are on the wall to the right when you enter the room. Bring bring gloves, micropipettes, and a small, lightweight piece of glass/plastic to spin on.
==Standard Operating Procedure==
1. Plug in the vacuum and spinner power cords into the outlet by the fume hood.