SSI-44 (Zeus)
Team Zeus on Launch Day
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Launch date October 22, 2016
Launch site 2093 San Juan Drive, Hollister, CA
Launch coordinates 36.84842,-121.43236
←SSI-43 SSI Balloon Launches SSI-45→

SSI-44 was constructed and launched over the course of two weeks as an introductory onboarding launch for team Zeus, also known as "The SSEA Team" for the overwhelming number of members who were also participants in the Stanford Summer Engineering Academy. The launch was successful, as was the recovery, and it was SSI's first post-sunset recovery.

Payload Description

The payload consisted on one box made of two vertically conjoined boxes. Secured to the bottom with zip-ties was a selfie stick holding a convex mirror out in front of the GoPro (embedded in the side), and balanced with dope-ass Zeus flag. The box itself was adorned with Kirill's, Aria's, and Brandon's faces, along with SSI stickers, the American flag, and gold and space duct tape. A plastic bin on the bottom was filled with slips of paper with Kirill's face, name, and number, then secured with a string designed to be cut with a Nichrome wire at a designated altitude. A keychain camera wrapped in hand warmers and duct tape was secured to the base of payload to get a birds-eye view of the Earth. The payload was tied to the bottom of a laser cut acrylic parachute release mechanism, which was then clamped around the parachute and tied to the balloon. It was a scissor-like construction designed to release both parachute and balloon when the balloon popped and the lack of tension allowed the assembly to open. The payload also included customary sensors, avionics, and communications

Schematic of Payload Design
The Payload Immediately Prior to Launch
Parachute Release Mechanism

Prep and difficulties

  • SPOT wouldn't connect, couldn't find satellites
  • Then GPS wouldn't connect (blocked by gimbal)
  • Nichrome wire accidently turned on during testing, cutting the string
  • Thermocouple apparently under duct tape :(
  • GoPro set to picture mode, took one picture every second instead of video :/
  • Loop on top of parachute too big, got caught on the release mechanism (fixed with a ziptie)
  • Launched at around noon after securing to the balloon with a very extensive sketch knot (duct taped many times over)


  • Origin (2093 San Juan Drive, Hollister, CA)
  • Flew __ miles for __ hours approximately north-east
  • Landed north of Modesto, near Yosemite, on a cattle ranch, 2.5 miles off the main road


After the other two teams' relatively easy recoveries, team Zeus moved onward to pick up their payload. When they approached the area where it had landed, they found themselves at a very ominous gate, locked and rife with ominous signs, a tire, and bullet holes. We debated trespassing, then decided to go for it, but a man pulled up in a truck.

Gate to the Cattle Ranch (note bullet holes)

Caught in the act of almost trespassing, they talked to a neighbor who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy who had the key to the property. Keeping with the tested strategy of only approaching strangers with one caucasian male and one caucasian female, Kirill and Ella talked to the first guy, who directed the team to the next one. The second guy was really sketchy: he wouldn't come out from behind screen door. He directed the team to the next guy down the road. In the midst of a llama and goat farm, they met the final guy, Pat Arius. He knew the guy with the key, but he was 200 miles away so he gave them permission to trespass.

The group split and only Theo's and Kirill's cars stayed behind at the gate. The recovery team included: Kirill, David, Celeste, Paulina, Ella, Marco, Hannah, Ryan, Jesus, Paige, and Phillip. At this point as they hopped the gate, the sun was very close to setting, so they jogged. The dirt road continued for about half a mile, then came to a pasture and a gate and hopped that too. After a mile, the faint trail through the weeds ended, and the team walked through the weeds to a barbed wire fence with cows on the other side. They avoided the cows by going up and over a hill, then found the trail on the other side, which lead to the payload about a mile down the path.

Post recovery

  • Parachute release mechanism successfully deployed both parachute and balloon
  • Key chain camera snapped off, was lost
  • Mirror had been turned upside down, out of view of camera
  • Gopro still had battery, but SD card was full
  • Nichrome wire failed to cut, didn't release papers
  • We carried it back down the path
  • Ran into some cows, ran away from some cows
  • Kirill kicked a toad :(
  • Made it back to the car an hour after recovery
  • Got dinner in Modesto

Balloon Launches
2014-15 SSI-19202122
2015-16 SSI-23(a) • 2425262728293031323334353637383940414243
2016-17 444546474849505152
2018-19 8386879091
2019-20 929397